Monday, September 28, 2009

Catch up!

Alright, enough with the slacking off. Here's a quick catch up on what I planned on posting last week before time got away from me.

The last day of orientation, ACT provided us with a short day trip to Vergina. Vergina is a small town about an hour outside of Thessaloniki. It is historically significant because it is where they believed the ancient capital of Macedon, Aigia, was located. Archaeologists have been interested in the areas since the late 1800’s and finally in 1977 the Greek archaeologist Manolis Andronikos discovered burial chambers under the “Great Tumulus”. Currently there is a very cool museum built on top of the site to display the several tombs of the Kings of Macedon. You enter what looks like a hill and go underground to see the fully intact tomb of Philip II (father of Alexander the Great) and Alexander IV (son of Alexander the Great and Roxana). There are other artifacts and ruins that were found in the other tombs, most of which had been looted. We weren't allowed to take any pictures inside so if you'd like to know what these amazing artifacts look like feel free to Google it! Or you can just take a quick trip to Greece and see them for yourself :)

As far as the rest of my classes go, I'm taking a politics class focused on the European Union. It’s a class that is mixed with local Greek students as well as study abroad students which has so far made for interesting discussions. We're learning a great deal about the creation of the EU and how it performs in current affairs. My fourth and final class is Art History, specifically late modern art. I'm not sure how this is going to work seeing as I don't know much about early modern art. In fact all I really know about art has come from Allie talking to me at countless museums. Yet, the professor is amazing and promises that we will all have a new found appreciation for modern art by the end of the semester. I'm sure Allie would love if I could appreciate art the way she does, I however will not be making such strong promises. I will simply give it a chance and see what happens.

The Museum in Vergina, really looks like you walk into a hill.

The Bissell Library, one of our two buildings.

One of the views form ACT.


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